Thursday, August 4, 2016

Learning Access Database with Northwind 2007 sample database (1)

I. Basic Workflow
a) Startup/Login
When you open the Northwind 2007 sample first time you may see ‘Startup Screen’ or ‘Login Dialog’.

-You have to click ‘Enable Content’ and will see ‘Login Dialog’ form.

Next time, you open the Database, you will always see ‘Login Dialog’.
Q. How to control this event?
Ans: This is why the system has ‘AutoExec’ macro.
Let’s learn this ‘AutoExec’ macro.
1.       Go to Macro,
2.       Right Click ‘AutoExec’
3.       Select Design View and Click.
You see two If statements,
1.       IF not trust app THEN OPEN ‘Startup Screen’
2.       IF trust app THEN OPEN ‘Login Dialog’
When you click Login button in the ‘Login Dialog’ form, it will be closed and ‘Home’ form will appear.
To see this Embed Macro,
1.       Open ‘Login Dialog’ design view.
2.       Go to Login button properties, OnClick (Event) and click …
System uses the following logic:
1.       Check Combobox (DropDown list) of the Employee and
IF this is not empty
2.       Close the Login Dialog form and
3.       Open ‘Home’ form
IF there is no Employee name
-          Display Messagebox.

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